Sunday 22 March 2009

Anything fun will be cancelled on account of rain!

The Sunday Training:

It has been some time since i bloged about training. We were out at BHP in the morning pounding off some very challenging 3:30-4 minutes SLT intervals up the hill in the back @ about 110% of V02max! After 2-hour 30-minutes of this torture, Big-Wheels-Hal and Grass-Track-Ian saved me from myself, but the damage was done. I only lasted one loop at a moderate to slow pace.

I have decided that 2009 is the year of HTFUP!


  1. Nice... Ill be playing on the lower slopes of Haleakala tomorrow... ive posted some of my ride days on my blog... a few big crashes on the weekend...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope you are in one piece!

    I put the full fenders on the cross bike, and at the time I was thinking I was wasting time etc etc… now I am glad I did.

    Unfortunately, there is a great deal of standing water AND ice. Snow is on the way. This is not over yet folks.
