Wednesday 25 March 2009

My Winter Commute

This morning, I rode my bike to school (a distance of about 1.5 miles), and it felt great. I have been doing this (commuting and feeling great about it) every day of the work week since 1993. Today was the second time I’ve been late.

Generally my commuting goals have nothing to do with getting exercise. If you know me (or of me) you know I get lots of that. Other then riding for convenience, commuting is a tangible way in which I can help the environment. Gas prices have gone into the stratosphere over the last few years, and of course I (like you) feel powerless. I feel disconnected and unable to do anything about the state of the union.

What I can do, however, is ride my bike. In the distance past, weaving in and out of the middle of traffic freaked me out. A year of delivering mail in all weather conditions taught me some important lessons about survival. 20-years ago I characterized commuting as great exercise, a wonderful experience and a nice way to get in touch with nature. Alas, after 20+ year of the same old routine I really only hope to find a peaceful moment in an otherwise hectic day. On the brigth side, riding is always more relaxing than then commuting by car.

Obviously if you commute – by car, bus or bike – the condition of our city streets is an important issue. Arriving on time for work each day is dependent on how effectively the City of Winnipeg Public Works do their job.

Although the City of Winnipeg recognizes that the populace of Winnipeg is largely dependent on being mobile all year round, they failure to note that a growing portion of the populus commutes by bike. As a result, it is critical that not only the street network(s) and motor vehicle transportation system be functioning and safe, but that the bike network(s) and transportation system be cleared, salted and sanded for cyclists. The City endeavours to provide an adequate level of service and, pending proper weather conditions, the application of 100% salt to City streets satisfies the those objectives for cars, trucks, emergency vehicles, and buses... but not bikes.

Today, my ten minute commute took 30-mintues, and although it was a great ride… I was late.
The Wednesday HTFUP! Workout:
I was planning to either go out to BHP in the evening or attempt some intervals at the Dump for the first time this spring. However, the weather had other plans. I settled for a split resistance day… Actually I just did the same workout in the morning and again 4-hours 30-minutes later. It is a good thing I only have a body composition test tomorrow (hydrostatic weighing) because I imagine I will have trouble even walking by Thursday night.

warm up (treadmill): 10-minute

1. Single Leg Squats: 6 sets of 15 reps with 45 lbs plate (deep - slow and on a bench)

2. One-leg modified dead lift: 6 sets of 15 reps @ 55 lbs db

3. One-leg calf rises (I am trying to stave off Achilles problems when repeatedly running hills during 8-hour races)

4. Hip Flexor Ex (with a 35 lbs plate): 6 sets of 15 reps

5. V-sits with 10 lbs med ball:
6 sets of 15 reps

6. Ab Wheel: 6 set of 1 minute

Note: I was pressed for time and worked out at home. Normally I would include some type of hyperextension exercise and hanging abs straps.

Recovery: What recovery... 1-min treadmill runs between every set at 150 bpm (I could have used the stationary bike but I was pressed for time)

Total Time: 90-mins morning, 90-mins afternoon + 2-hours commuting (ridiculous).

Bottom line:
No breaks – lot of sweat – good times!

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