Monday, 15 March 2010

Are you ready to rumble?

May 2 MTB Cup #1 Grand Beach Be There!


  1. No.

    I'm Fat and slow.

    And have no idea what gear to run there... specially being fat and slow.

  2. Yeah, well I did that race last year with my arms in the body portion of my long sleeve jersey. So who's "slow" now?

  3. Kevin… I called that talent, or a unicycle! Greg… Does It matter? Just ride you bike!

  4. I notice you cropped me from the picture... why you hatin' on me?

    And you know I don't know how to ride a bike!

    And Kev, you did that to be more aero.. crazy.

  5. Dude. I was hiding behind the commissar because I am just a poser, and ‘evidently’ playing with my ass, while Kevin was playing with something else under his shirt. Anna is as cool as a cucumber and ready to kick some Expert Men’s ass (You rock Anna!), Chris is wondering if black soks really do give you power, Luk is trying to ignore Adrian’s incessant bike part talk, Dylan just arrived late (again), Jason is wondering just how quickly he can blow up, JP is trying not to shit himself in the back, Cricket is doing what crickets do, Johnny G has that creepy friendly smile going full tilt, Moni doing what she does best, and I think you (Greg) were off taking a ‘nervous’ pee break. It is a very strange picture once you actually start to look at it.

  6. i think I was beside Adrian and I was flexing, as to not look so small.

    Didn't work.
